Women's World Day of Prayer
All this week in the Mothers' Union 'Wave of Prayer' we have celebrated women and their work in the church, their communities, and for their families. Let us remember and pray for those who struggle to live a safe and happy life because of the dangers they meet inside and outside of marriage, because of injustice that is biased towards women and girls; for those who are trafficked and used in the modern-day slavery trade. We pray that their lives will be changed through prayer with action. May our prayers influence people that have the power to put a stop to these inhumane practices, to stop the cruelty and negativity of misogyny that women have to endure.
Father, make us all vigilant for the victims of this injustice. Help us to work through prayer and action for a better life for women and girls everywhere.
Women, join your voices to shake the world through the cacophony of sound that will wake people up to the things that are happening in our world, and bring them to work for equality.
Mothers Union Prayer ‘The prayers we breathe’,
no 148 Trafficking
God, our constant friend of all time,
all women, men and children who are used,
trafficking, to find in your arms,
love and respect that they have been denied.
people have been trafficked across the world,
as slaves, and exploited mercilessly –
there for them in their darkest hours.
their vision of the world
hold a glimmer of hope.
we, through Christ working in us,
for an end to trafficking
And an
end to any abuse
which the weak or vulnerable
Are exploited by the strong. Amen.
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