Having looked around my office, I decided it needed to be tidied up. I do this quite often, but it is amazing that once I start to sort things I get so engrossed in what I am looking at that it is difficult to actually tidy, because I run out of time, or end up just putting things back where they were albeit, stacked more neatly than before.
Today I came across a CD that I haven't seen for years. It is called 'Vision,' and is the music of Hildegard Von Bingen. As I am listening to it now, I remember why I was so fond of it, and why it was on my playlist especially when I was teaching. The music is beautiful and takes you away from the cares of the world and focuses the mind on higher things. In school, I would play this gently in the background when we were doing quite work, or in assembly when the children came in. They always seemed to respond to it and quietly go to their seats. As all the children at the school had special needs, either physical or educationally challenged, this was not always the case, so when it did happen, it was quite something.
I have not finished the tidying up, having become engrossed in the music, and realising I have quite a list of things to do so I must get on with it. I will continue playing the music however because I feel quite calm following a few stressful days. This can only be a good thing.
Father God,
When we are stressed, help us to take our problems to you in prayer knowing that You are always listening and whispering calming thoughts into our ears. Help us to look after each other and be aware of things that are bothering each other, and reach out that hand that has a calming effect, or say the words to show you understand and are praying for them.
We pray in the name of Jesus Christ.
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