Friday, March 5, 2021

 Women's World Day of Prayer

All this week in the Mothers' Union 'Wave of Prayer' we have celebrated women and their work in the church, their communities, and for their families. Let us remember and pray for those who struggle to live a safe and happy life because of the dangers they meet inside and outside of marriage, because of injustice that is biased towards women and girls; for those who are trafficked and used in the modern-day slavery trade.  We pray that their lives will be changed through prayer with action.  May our prayers influence people that have the power to put a stop to these inhumane practices, to stop the cruelty and negativity of misogyny that women have to endure.

Father, make us all vigilant for the victims of this injustice.  Help us to work through prayer and action for a better life for women and girls everywhere.

Women, join your voices to shake the world through the cacophony of sound that will wake people up to the things that are happening in our world, and bring them to work for equality.

Mothers Union Prayer ‘The prayers we breathe’, 

no 148 Trafficking

God,  our constant friend of all time,

Help all women, men and children who are used,

in trafficking, to find in your arms,

the love and respect that they have been denied.

When people have been trafficked across the world,

treated as slaves, and exploited mercilessly –

be there for them in their darkest hours.

May their vision of the world

Still hold a glimmer of hope.

May we, through Christ working in us,

Fight for an end to trafficking

And an end to any abuse

In which the weak or vulnerable

Are exploited by the strong. Amen.

Thursday, March 4, 2021


Having looked around my office, I decided it needed to be tidied up.  I do this quite often, but it is amazing that once I start to sort things I get so engrossed in what I am looking at that it is difficult to actually tidy, because I run out of time, or end up just putting things back where they were albeit, stacked more neatly than before.

Today I came across a CD that I haven't seen for years.  It is called 'Vision,' and is the music of Hildegard Von Bingen.  As I am listening to it now, I remember why I was so fond of it, and why it was on my playlist especially when I was teaching.  The music is beautiful and takes you away from the cares of the world and focuses the mind on higher things.   In school, I would play this gently in the background when we were doing quite work, or in assembly when the children came in.  They always seemed to respond to it and quietly go to their seats.  As all the children at the school had special needs, either physical or educationally challenged, this was not always the case, so when it did happen, it was quite something.

I have not finished the tidying up, having become engrossed in the music, and realising I have quite a list of things to do so I must get on with it.   I will continue playing the music however because I feel quite calm following a few stressful days.  This can only be a good thing.

Father God,

When we are stressed, help us to take our problems to you in prayer knowing that You are always listening and whispering calming thoughts into our ears.   Help us to look after each other and be aware of things that are bothering each other, and reach out that hand that has a calming effect, or say the words to show you understand and are praying for them.

We pray in the name of Jesus Christ.


Wednesday, March 3, 2021

 Things that catch your eye

Looking through my facebook page yesterday, I came across a little cartoon.   I like cartoons and am fond of drawing them along with caricatures which I give to people as little presents or cards.

On this particular facebook cartoon, one saw a mother and child.  The child was asking 'what's that mark on your arm Mummy?'   The mum answered that it was the little scar left by the smallpox vaccination that she had as a child.   'Why don't I have one' asked the child.   Mum answered 'because it worked!'

Because so many vaccinations have worked, we no longer see the killer infections that would blight the lives of children, even as recently as when I was a child.   I remember going along to the clinic in Newport, South Wales, where a smallpox outbreak had occurred.  No one said 'no thank you.'  People of all ages were queueing outside the clinic and down the road to get the vaccination.  Luckily, the outbreak was short-lived, and it was thought that it arrived in Wales via one of the ships that came into the port, but no one was really sure.  What we were sure about is that we needed protection.  We had confidence in the new National Health Service to make sure we were safe, and they did.  They pulled out all the stops to ensure everyone was covered by the vaccine, and we the public were so grateful.

Things in the NHS have moved on over the years since 1945, but the one thing that hasn't changed is that they are still caring for us and protecting us from the danger of a new virus that threatens us all.

God bless them all, every-one who puts themselves in danger to care for COVID patients, to man the vaccination stations, for the nurses, the doctors, the physiotherapists, and occupational therapists who work to get the patients back on their feet and home.  For the cleansers, the porters, the kitchen staff, and everyone who so unselfishly lead the fight against this dreaded virus.

Father God,

Thank you for the courage of our care workers who have carried on despite the obstacles that get in the way.  We pray that they get enough rest and that their families are cared for.  We pray that they are supported in their off-duty life, so that they can enjoy being with children and families, and recoup their energy to carry on.

We ask these things in the name of Jesus Christ.


Tuesday, March 2, 2021


How many friends do you have?  I have lots of friends and acquaintances, but truly, friends that when you pick up the phone, it is as though you just spoke to them yesterday; and you fall back into the easy way of being with each other.   I have some 'old' friends, who, when I am with them I am able to say anything knowing that they do not judge me and will be there if I need help or advice.  Old friends may not be in touch for a while, but they are still in the background, in the back of your mind, supporting you as you support them.  

Since lockdown, these friends have become more important because we are not out and about doing our usual things, but needing that sustenance of friendship to keep us going.  These phone calls have become so much more important and make me realise that they must not be taken lightly.

Jesus Lord,

We thank you for our friendships, for those that we have known for a long time, and for newer friends who will become dear friends as time goes by.  We thank you for the fellowship of our church families and our other contacts through social media who keep us in touch with the world even though physically this is impossible at present.

Bless and keep Lord those important people in our lives and make us the good friends that they deserve.
