Thursday, February 18, 2021

All things bright and beautiful

When I woke up this morning, this children's hymn was going around my head, and I found myself humming and singing it for hours afterward.  There is a name for a song or tune that gets stuck in your thoughts, but I can't think what it is called.   Mostly, they are annoying and can drive you potty trying to rid yourself of it, but this one certainly did not have that effect.

This hymn has always been a source of joy.  I remember it from childhood, singing in Sunday School or assembly.  I remember (being Welsh) singing out with such gusto, raising the roof, singing with a smile on my face because of the pictures in my head from the words of the song.

Sometimes as we grow older, that joy can be overtaken by everyday problems and worries.  The colours of the world can lose that brightness, and our lightness of heart can become heavy.  

I am drawn to look out of the window and see the birds, the flowers, the bright sky and let them lift my heart, remembering that Jesus drew the children to him.   We can regain that awe and wonder by looking through the eyes of children and seeing what they see.

When I was teaching in a school for special needs children, this was one of our favourite hymns, and the children sang with great enthusiasm which sometimes overshadowed the tune, and some of the children could not even talk or sing.  This was not a barrier to joining in.  Our 'signing' choir used 'sign language' to be part of the singing, and watching them all perform together was like watching a ballet.  The faces of the children showed the joy of God's love, and shone through their eyes, faces, smiles, body language.  They embraced every part of the experience with wonder.

This is going to be part of my Lent journey.  I am going to look in wonder at the ordinary things and find God's hand in each and every flower, leaf, bird, feather and sunbeam.

How about you.  Join me.

Father in heaven,

we are your children and are so grateful for the love you have given us.   Help us to reach out to others and share your love with them, through our prayers, our works and the way we live our lives.



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