Thursday, March 7, 2019

What wonderful weather!

March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb.

March certainly has its claws out today in Oxfordshire.  The sun was shining first thing, but the wind is whipping the trees and freezing unwary walkers to the marrow.  Having put away my big coat because of the unusual sunny period we have had, I now am pulling it back out of the wardrobe and greeting it like an old friend.

Amongst the straining branches of the oak trees outside my window, nestled in the lea of some sturdy bushes, I can see snowdrops, daffodils and crocus tipping their heads to the sun.   How beautiful they look, and a wonderful compensation for the cold wind that blows.

Thank you God, for the seasons that bring change to our countryside, and for the signs of spring that we see all around us.
